St Martin’s CE Primary School
About our
At St. Martin’s Primary, we aim to deliver an exciting and challenging curriculum that provides our pupils with the foundations of basic skills, whilst developing a thirst for learning. Pupils have many opportunities to build on previous learning and apply their maths and English skills to become effective communicators and problem solvers. Our curriculum, underpinned by British Values, will ensure that our pupils are engaged and stimulated through exciting learning opportunities that will enable them to develop their creativity and become independent learners, well prepared for the future.
We use the Read Write Inc phonics scheme to teach our children to decode words and read with fluency through systematic teaching of synthetic phonics.

We teach writing across school using ‘The Write Stuff’, a structured and visual approach to teaching and learning in writing.

We use SMART Maths to deliver the Maths curriculum through ’10 Big Ideas’ – the key concepts children need to learn to become confident mathematicians.

Look at our
For more information on our curriculum click on the links below for each year group page:
Get In Touch
Wallace Road, Bradley, Wolverhampton
WV14 8BS
Tel: 01902 925700