St Martin’s CE Primary School
Collective Worship
Our School
An act of Collective Worship takes place every day and is an integral part of both school life and our Christian identity, making space for pupils and staff to come together and share in worship through learning, music, reflection and prayer. Our worship is inclusive and gives all of the school community the chance to be part of the experience, whilst respecting the integrity of family and cultural backgrounds. Visitors to the school are always very welcome to join us in worship.
The weekly pattern of collective worship looks like this:
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Whole school worship to introduce focus for the week | Hymn practice | Class worship linked to the week’s theme (class reflection) | Class worship linked to the week’s theme (personal reflection) | Celebration worship |
Reverend Kate visits our school regularly to lead worship and also joins us for special occasions such as Harvest, Remembrance, Christmas and Easter. From time to time, a whole class plans and delivers collective worship to which parents are invited.
Collective Worship
‘A tree is known by its fruit’
Matthew 12:33
Roots and Fruits is a resource that supports the structure of our Collective Worship. It is rooted in Bible teaching and uses poetry, art and drama to bring well-known stories and words of wisdom from the Bible to life. Each half term focuses on one value (theme) that links with the season of the Church year. The twelve values in total represent the fruit that grows as the teaching is lived out in everyday life. Click on an icon to find out more about how we explore each value through worship at St Martin’s.

Collective Worship
Collective Worship at St Martin’s follows a set structure of 4 parts:

When everyone in the school has gathered, 3 candles are lit and an opening prayer is said to signal the start of worship. The Root of the worship (the Bible story or passage) is usually introduced during this time too.

Symbolised by a window, the learning element of worship is when new possibilities or different perspectives are ‘opened up’ through the use of poetry, drama, visual images or props based on Bible stories or other texts.

Symbolised by the mirror, the reflecting element encourages everyone to consider how the Bible story or stimulus has resonated with them, or challenged them. Questions are used as a focus for reflection and there are often moments of silence to give space for individual, personal reflection.

The final element of the worship has the symbol of the door and provides an opportunity to consider how God might be challenging those present in worship to ‘step out’ and play their part in making a difference in the world both as individuals and as part of the school community.
Get In Touch
Wallace Road, Bradley, Wolverhampton
WV14 8BS
Tel: 01902 925700