St Martin’s CE Primary School
British Science Week
British Science Week is a two-week celebration of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM). This year’s theme is ‘Connections’ and we are celebrating at St Martin’s by getting involved in three exciting events:
Science Farm Live
This year’s lessons will take learners on an adventure from the very bottom of the sea, all the way to outer space to explore three puzzling questions linked to the British Science Week 2023 theme of Connections’:
- How are tractors connected to space?
- How are pigs connected to jumbo jets?
- And how are sheep connected to seaweed?

British Science Week
Each class completed an experiment linked to this year’s theme ‘Connections’ ranging from rolling cans down a ramp in Reception and creating gliders in Year 5 to exploring the connections in weather by making a barometer in Year 6. We also took part in whole-school worship to appreciate the connections within our school and beyond.

Professor Bubbleworks
Professor Bubbleworks has brought Science to life this year by helping us to understand key topics such as states of matter, electricity, pressure, chemical reactions and materials through a series of workshops with a BANG! We also understood the importance of ‘connections’ within STEM, as teamwork is an essential element for our future inventors, scientists, engineers and mathematicians to understand and succeed in solving our world’s problems.

Get Involved
Farm Live Resources
British Science Week
Professor Bubbleworks
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Wallace Road, Bradley, Wolverhampton
WV14 8BS
Tel: 01902 925700