St Martin’s CE Primary School



Here at St. Martin’s we adopt the vision of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years (June 2014) that all schools will have high aspirations and expectations for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or a Disability. Children’s needs are met through quality first teaching however, for some children there may be occasions when further support is required. This is where support from the school based Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) team can be provided, as well as support from external agencies, the local authority and through guidance from the government. Due to changes to the Code of Practice local authorities are required to publish a Local Offer of Support. The Wolverhampton framework will allow the Local Offer to provide parents/carers with information about how to access services in their area and what they can expect from those services. With regards to education, it will advise parents/carers how schools can support them as well as informing them of what they can expect across the local setting. Further information about SEND can be found at Wolverhampton City Council and Wolverhampton Information, Advice and Support Service.

Mrs S Wright


Mrs S Lister


 Should you have any queries, questions or concerns, you can contact them via email at:

SEND Parental FAQs

How will St. Martin's Primary know that my child is making progress and support is having an impact?

Teacher assessments are completed on a termly basis for all children so that progress can be tracked.

Targets for children with SEND are reviewed regularly by the class teacher and SENDCo and then meetings are held termly with parents/carers and the child. If the targets have been achieved then new ones will be set to ensure that the child continues to make progress. If targets are not achieved then the reasons for this will be discussed and the targets may be adapted into smaller steps or a different approach or strategy will be used.

The progress of children with SEND is reported to Academy Directors on a termly basis. This does not refer to individual pupils and confidentiality is maintained at all times.

Who will oversee, plan and work with my child?

Depending on the type of intervention required, the work can be planned and delivered by the class teacher, SENDCo or external agency, teaching assistants may deliver the planned interventions. The Senior Leadership Team (including the SENDCo) will oversee the work carried

How will St. Martin's Primary School support my child in their learning?

Class teachers follow the Foundation Stage and National Curriculum to plan children’s education. This curriculum will be differentiated to meet pupil’s individual needs and they may receive support from their class teacher or teaching assistant during lessons. If it is felt that a child would benefit from short term additional support then they may receive small group intervention. Teacher assessments are carried out termly to monitor children’s progress.

Children who are on the SEND register will receive regular intervention to work towards their individual targets. These targets are reviewed regularly to monitor the child’s progress. If a child has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) then they may receive additional support and/or resources to meet their needs. The EHC Plan will be reviewed formally on an annual basis.

How is St. Martin's Primary School inclusive?

Pupils at St. Martin’s Primary are treated as individuals and are supported to meet their individual needs. The school curriculum is accessible to all, both in and out of the classroom, and arrangements for pupils with SEND are made as required. Risk assessments are carried out prior to off-site activities taking place to ensure the health and safety of all involved. In the unlikely event that it is considered unsafe for a child to take part in an off-site activity then alternative activities which cover the same curriculum areas will be provided in school. St Martin’s Primary School’s environment is accessible to all.

When pupils join St. Martin’s Primary parents/carers and children will meet with members of the Senior Leadership and Pastoral Team who will make them familiar with the school environment and routines, and will introduce them to key staff. Prior to children joining reception class a home visit will be carried out to gather information about the child and family as well as providing information about the school. This also provides the family with the opportunity to ask any questions that they may have. All children participate in transition days during the summer term in preparation for their move to the next year group. Transition meetings are also held during the school year for parents/carers and pupils moving to secondary school. These meetings are followed by visits to their chosen school.

We liaise closely with other professionals when receiving and transferring children to different schools, ensuring that all relevant paperwork is passed on and all needs are discussed and understood. If necessary, additional transitional visits will take place as well as meetings between parents/carers, children and professionals involved.

How does St. Martin's Primary know if my child needs extra help and support?

There are systems and processes in place which allow us to quickly identify children who may require additional support. Children may be identified for the following reasons:

  • they are performing below age related expectations
  • they are not making expected progress
  • concerns have been raised by parents/carers or the child
  • concerns have been raised by staff through the internal referral system
  • through liaison with external agencies
  • due to a health diagnosis

When children join us from other educational settings they are supported using information gained from their previous schools whilst assessments are taking place.

If additional support is required then the child may be placed on the SEND register or advice from an external agency may be sought. Parents/carers will be consulted and informed throughout this process. If a child has complex SEND then they may have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

The decision made to provide support for pupils with additional needs is made through collaborative working with all agencies including parents/carers and pupils.

What should I do if I think my child has a Special Educational Need?

If a parent/carer has concerns regarding their child’s learning these can be discussed with the following members of staff:

  • Your child’s class teacher
  • SENDCo – Mrs J Norris
How will I know if my child is making progress?

We believe that a child’s education should be a partnership between the child, parents/carers and teachers, therefore we aim to communicate regularly especially if the child has complex needs. You are welcome to make an appointment to meet with the class teacher, SENDCo or Headteacher to discuss your child’s progress.

Parents’ evenings are held on a termly basis where parents/carers and teachers discuss the progress their child has made. If your child has SEND targets these will be discussed at these meetings.

Useful Links

The links below offer further information and guidance to support children with a range of additional needs and their parents/carers.

Get In Touch

Wallace Road, Bradley, Wolverhampton
WV14 8BS
Tel: 01902 925700

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